

This is the abbreviation for silicone. Besides being completely insensitive to thermal excursions, gaskets made of this material have excellent dielectric characteristics. They are also suitable for exposure to ozone and UV rays and they are also ideal for contact with vegetable oils, animal oils and glycols. A suitable material also in water, in aqueous solutions and resistant to atmospheric agents.

Technical features:

  • Good mechanical properties
  • Excellent resistance to permanent deformation
  • Excellent elastic yield
  • Poor air and gas impermeability
  • Excellent colourability and transparency
  • Excellent resistance to UV radiation, ozone and atmospheric agents
  • Excellent dielectric properties
  • Surface anti-adhesiveness
  • Slow combustion without carbon residues, possible self-extinguishing
  • Excellent at contact with vegetable and animal oils
  • Impermeable to water and salt solutions up to 110° C.
  • Poor at contact with aromatic hydrocarbons, strong acids and mineral bases, steam above 110°C, ketones and chlorinated solvents.

Materials available

  • 01MVQ translucent silicone rubber 85 SH A
  • 02MVQ white silicone rubber 85 SH A
  • 03MVQ blue silicone rubber 85 SH A



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